In a spectacular display of talent and determination, 14-year-old Shubh Chowdhari from Chennai clinched three gold medals at the National Equestrian Championship 2024, held in Delhi on December 24. Competing in the Children 1 category against over 130 participants from across the country, Shubh emerged victorious in the following events:
•Dressage Individuals
•Dressage Team
•Show Jumping Team
Shubh’s remarkable performance has positioned him as one of India’s most promising young equestrians. His triumph is a testament to his dedication, skill, and passion for the sport.
“This victory inspires me to aim even higher and represent India on global platforms,” said Shubh, who dreams of competing in the Asian Games and the Olympics.
Shubh’s achievements are a proud moment for Chennai and the nation, marking him as a rising star in Indian equestrian sports.